About the effect of cedar elixir on the human body
we will talk about the entire medical component, the medical component of the
cedar elixir. For more than fifteen years I have been working with cedar
products, with cedar oil, and use it for all ages of the population, I see
everyday practice. Participated in many studies carried out by manufacturers of
cedar products. Therefore, today I am ready to tell you the effects that cedar
nuts have on the human body, and in particular such a new product as Megre Elixir,
cedar elixir. I recently started working with cedar elixir, for about two
years. But interesting results are already collecting. What I have collected I
will tell you today.
will not talk about its high value, about the high content of valuable
essential substances there, and I can simply list them. The cedar elixir also
contains cedar oil, because the cone is pressed together with the kernel.
Together with cedar oil, all the scales of the cone are squeezed out. In
practice, this is like oil pomace, oil extraction of cedar cones.

What's the Difference? The maximum amount of tannins gives special antiseptic characteristics. These tannins, astringents, have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. At the level of cell membranes, at the level of mucous membranes, these tannins prevent inflammation, remove the inflammatory process and normalize cell permeability. The cell does not let toxic substances inside.
here, I think, there is such a striking difference between the elixir and cedar
oil. Therefore, it is the elixir that will have a more powerful
anti-inflammatory effect in case of some skin damage, in case of damage to the
mucous membrane of the oral cavity, stomach, and our intestines.
addition, another plus - a lot of essential oils. Essential oils make up about
3.5% of the total composition of the cedar elixir, and they, of course, are
famous for their powerful volatile action. Therefore, Megre Elixir has such a
wide antiseptic spectrum for viruses, because viruses cannot penetrate the cell
if the cell membrane is more stable. And essential oils have a powerful
antifungal effect against a wide range of bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus.
the whole spectrum of antibiotics, i.e. All our medicines are mainly
anti-streptococcal, anti-staphylococcal, and this is practically a scourge,
because such is our modern diet. We eat a lot of sweets, now there are a lot of
products made from refined products, from white flour - all this weakens our
body, and the body of children. The body has already lost its ability to
protect, to self-healing and, unfortunately, accumulates various toxic
If we talk about the Megre Elixir product in general, of course, it powerfully adjusts resources due to the ideal fat composition. It has the same composition as the composition of cedar oil, but there is even more gamma-linolenic acid, it belongs to the class of Omega-3 fatty acids, and this class is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect. The action of tannins is also joined by the action of these healthy fats, which also remove inflammation in cells, in tissues, everywhere at the cellular level.
Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids.
there is still a large amount of vitamin E. And in the seeds of nuts, vitamin E
is always present, and in the cedar there is a very large amount of it.
powerful anti-inflammatory action, of course, is very effective to use in
chronic inflammatory diseases, long-term, such as chronic tonsillitis, i.e.
constantly red inflamed throat, constantly inflamed, edematous nasal mucosa,
plus constant pain in the abdomen - this is also a sign of inflammation of the
gastric mucosa. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, if you take cedar
oil and Megre Elixir, the elixir is also (I said) rich in essential oils, and
essential oils are very powerful antiseptics.
all these most powerful properties of the cedar elixir, one must understand
that it still possesses, perhaps, other informational properties. This is a
product from the depths of the taiga. The tree grows in those conditions where
there are no construction sites, factories, and it carries information that is
thousands of years old, and we are touching it.
think this oil, this elixir, cedar cone oil will affect our deeper endocrine
systems, such as the pineal gland (located in the center of the head), the
pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. There, in these central organs of
regulation, the regulation of all organs and systems takes place. It regulates
the synthesis of all hormones: the thyroid gland, sex hormones, adrenal
hormones (stress hormones). In the adrenal glands, we also synthesize
anti-inflammatory hormones, similar to the action of prednisolone. This is all
regulated by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland. In a modern
person, this central endocrine system, this is our core, often begins to fail,
break down due to exposure to electromagnetic influences: these are computer
monitors, these are cell phones, these are televisions - our lives and the
lives of our children, unfortunately, are oversaturated.
a polluted person, having accumulated a lot of problems, not particularly
concerned with himself, begins to abruptly take such a powerful product, then
the body begins, apparently, a more violent reaction of some kind of cleansing
through inflammation - everyone knows this, that is, an exacerbation reaction.
And such reactions are known in homeopathy. Homeopaths even say that it is good
when something aggravates, becomes inflamed, which means that the body goes
into the stage of inflammation, struggle, and the next stage is excretion.
Excretion - this is expectoration of sputum, that is, some kind of mucus leaves
the nose. Sometimes we even regard a runny nose, we say: "You are sick, a
runny nose is still, this is a normal reaction of cleansing." Vomiting,
diarrhea - this is the body trying to naturally cleanse itself. There are some
rashes on the skin - this is already a less correct reaction of cleansing, when
the state of health is more neglected, and the person suppressed these
reactions in himself. For example, he had chronic nasal discharge (sinusitis,
rhinitis), and he has been using nasal drops for many years, without
understanding, he simply suppresses these reactions. The suppression of these
reactions can affect - more such degenerative changes, toxins begin to remain
in the tissues, remain inside the cells, and the tissues will change, that is,
there is a disorganization of cellular tissue, connective tissue, ligaments,
and mucous membranes.
next stage is the appearance of tumor processes - various polyps, growths, some
kind of tumors, cysts are formed, that is, the body is already trying locally
at least somehow, if it cannot remove the toxic substance, it delimits from the
general circulation in the blood and the body. When a person with such large
savings thinks: "Now I will quickly recover. Now I will cleanse the body
at the cellular level, as they say." But we must understand that the body
cannot quickly transform and turn into a healthy one, and everyone has their
own level of health. Everyone has a different level of health.
the healing process is good to start with small doses. For example, if you
compare - you did not eat cabbage for a long time, fresh white cabbage, because
you have bloating on it. And suddenly the doctor prescribed you a large amount
of 6 teaspoons, and you use, of course, there will be a revolution, there will
be bloating, the body is not ready. And cabbage is a healthy product, not
toxic. And on cabbage, this swelling is just cleansing gases that appear when
the growth of fungal flora is suppressed, it can be dust during harvesting.
if you have a whole bunch of diseases, it is better to use small doses. From a
small dose, the elixir will always prepare informationally, that is, it can
work at such a subtle informational level, as if we are introducing the body.
Sometimes small doses are more effective than large doses.
think this is a very powerful product. I assume that it can clean out bone
tissue, remove radionuclides. Many have an enlarged spleen. We do not examine
ourselves all, we also do not notice it until we start to actively run. The
left side begins to stab only with active running, so does the right side. And
there are just deposited some toxins. A wise organism, if you did not allow
some toxic substances to be removed in the form of diarrhea, everything
accumulates in some organs:
mostly liver,
in the kidneys too, because the kidneys excrete,
can accumulate in bone tissue also.
process of cleansing the body just involves the removal of toxins from these
depots. I have a direct suspicion, due to which Megre Elixir restores blood,
restores the blood formula. It can increase leukocytes, this is one hundred
percent - I saw it in my patients with leukopenia. Leukopenia in patients was
without a specific cause, that is, there was no chemotherapy. There were some
moments during my life, maybe antipyretics were used excessively: analgin,
citramon - they all reduce leukocytes, they all suppress the bone marrow,
suppress the synthesis of leukocytes, our main cells of the immune system. They
are used to suppressing inflammation, used to bring down the temperature, bring
down pain, inflammation. And the body does not just raise pain, and
temperature, and inflammation for a reason - this is necessary in order to
destroy some kind of infection, in order to remove some toxic substances with
sweat (after a temperature, usually sweating).
only antipyretics, but also living near some factories is a serious influence,
it is called neighboring microelementosis - the influence of heavy metals,
accumulation. We must take into account our such contamination of the body, and
assume that there may be various reactions in the course of our recovery.
we remove some heavy metals from the depot, they can enter the bloodstream,
there may be some kind of dizziness, there may be some kind of breakdown, some
signs of poisoning of the body. And here you need to turn on your most natural
excretion systems - this is the intestines, and these are the kidneys. The
safest is the intestines, so you need to eat as much as possible during that
period of recovery, when you decide to take the right path, take care of
yourself, use Megre Elixir, including cedar oil. It is necessary to take care
that the intestines are in good condition, work well, there are no
constipations, stool retention. To do this, you need to eat enough fruits and
vegetables. If you are a sweet lover, you have chocolate, a lot of coffee, of
course, there will not be the right healing reaction, there may be something
through an aggravation.
small doses, a small intake (slowly) the microflora is restructured. And
gradually, since Megre Elixir is rich in phytoncides, antifungal antiseptics,
it inhibits the growth of staphylococcus even in a small dose, and the growth
of pathogenic bacteria is gradually suppressed, a person wants sweets less. Our
tastes, cravings for sweets are directly related to our microbial composition.
Question: Can this elixir be used by pregnant and lactating women?
Elena Garagula: I always rely on
experience. I need to have several pregnant women take the elixir and
lactating, then I will look at the result. The result is a child, a healthy,
again pregnant mother. So far we haven't been able to trace. Any drug
withstands five-year observations, clinical trials. I think that in preparation
for pregnancy, it is ideal to use this elixir to straighten the
hypothalamic-pituitary system, restore all endocrine balance, the entire hormonal
background. Get rid of your sweet tooth. In terms of preparation for pregnancy,
it can be taken. If you really want during pregnancy, I think, small doses,
super small - one drop, and at night to suppress pathogenic microflora. Large
doses - be careful, perhaps very healthy, strong people can afford large doses.
reactions when researches of a cedar elixir were carried out were not revealed.
I read the research results. It is completely absorbent, completely
hypoallergenic. According to the results of a study in The Federal Service for
Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in Russia, no
toxic substances were found in the cedar elixir - this is a sign that a pure
product is real. We cannot harm ourselves, especially when compared with what
is generally prescribed for pregnant women. I am against hormonal correction,
and against antibiotics, they have a greater effect on the body. It is believed
that after antibiotics, the body can return to its normal state only after two
Question: And what is better to take: an elixir capsule or a solution in droplets? And when is it better to take: in the morning, at lunch, or in the evening before meals, after, or during meals?
Garagula: I
recommend taking any medicine in oil form before meals. It can be separate from
food. I recommend taking two drops in the morning and preferably in a solution
in drip form, because you can get smaller doses. Although patients prefer to
take capsules on some trips, they are more convenient. I recommend one capsule
in the morning and one capsule in the evening. In a bottle in drops - two drops
in the morning and two drops in the evening.
you are in a state of pre-cold, such a state is a pre-disease, then you can, of
course, use it more often. But again, a small dose, one drop, for example, and
several times during the day. It will be five times, every two hours - a drop,
because it is already powerful, it will already tune the body, it will even
reduce appetite.
a drop of the elixir, the body somehow reconfigures, the body understands that
it has received a lot of information, a lot of useful interesting fats, trace
elements, essential oils. The product is very versatile. It will help to get
some heavy metals, radionuclides from the depths of the spleen, from the bone
tissue. It will facilitate this excretion, increase immunity, that is, increase
leukocytes. And small doses will allow you to do it all gently, without
exacerbations. Ideal cleansing of the body, without exacerbations.
Question: Does the elixir help with arthrosis?
I told you about the anti-inflammatory effects of the elixir.
it is rich in vitamin E as an antioxidant.
it is gamma-linolenic acid, or pinolenic acid of the Omega-3 class, which
removes inflammation, swelling, pain, that is, it removes all five signs of
inflammation in different organs. When you take it, not only arthritis can go
away, but gastritis can go away, and the stomach stops hurting, the throat can
stop hurting all the time - this is a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
Arthritis is a condition when the joint aches all the time during exercise, or
even with some kind of condition, and even at rest. This suggests that there is
inflammation all the time, an inflammatory state.
Question: What are the possibilities to put the liver in order? The gallbladder is bent, heaviness, unpleasant burning sensation in the liver area, although I do yoga, stretching. Can Megre Elixir help? What diet do you recommend?
The problem with the gallbladder may just be related to those chemicals that
accumulate in the liver. No matter how vegetarian we are, we still do not live
in the taiga, not in a clean village, or we recently live in it, and for the
first time in the last fifty years, new chemical substances have piled on our
liver, with which the liver was not familiar before, so now she is working
hard. All these toxic substances are excreted from the body in the form of
bile. Bile is the most toxic fluid in our body. And the child is the same.
Imagine if bile is not excreted, if the bending of bile is a serious problem,
this is a problem of our ecology. And bile, of course, needs to be excreted all
the time throughout life.
can Megre Elixir help here? Gradually, every day, slowly influence these
droplets, change your habits.
recommend seasonal food. In the spring we will have a good period of liver
is not necessary to drink the elixir with water. It depends on the microflora
in your mouth. Someone will find the elixir interesting, rich. For someone - at
first very difficult, bitter, disgusting. This may change. Therefore, at first
you can drink water, you can hot herbal tea - a few sips and drink it down.
With hot water, any oily substance is better absorbed, it is considered.
Question: How long to take the elixir?
See how much you need to strengthen yourself. Maybe you are planning a planned
climb to the mountains, or some other extreme sports, you have heavy loads,
stressful loads, or you have a fear of oncology tumor processes. Of course, you
need to support yourself somehow. An overdose of cedar elixir, I think, is not
Question: An example of a cure for cancer.
Garagula: There
is an example of a cure for tumor processes, but there was not one elixir.
There I had a complex with a complete absence of carbohydrates, with the
absence of even cereals (cereals). Of course, tumor processes dissolve,
disappear, but this is such an integrated approach. Elixir is a very powerful
antitumor drug, but it needs good conditions. Any flower in the garden will
bloom: for one gardener it will bloom, bear fruit, and for another it will
wither. Therefore, we must create a good fertile environment for the action of
the elixir.
has a great effect on diabetes. It affects in general many organs and systems.
It doesn't affect just one organ. And on the regulation of blood sugar - of
course, it can affect. First, it can remove cravings for sweets.
of the pancreas is also associated with cleansing it from the fungal flora, and
from any toxic substances, from heavy metals. Therefore, in order for the gland
to work, the same liver, for example, or the spleen (I said that hemoglobin is
associated with a contaminated spleen), the contaminated pancreas will also not
regulate blood sugar levels, there will be bad insulin, proinsulin, and there
will be bad enzymes, all sorts of take mezima and creons. Also, a liver
contaminated with most of its functions will not perform the regulation and
cleanliness of all internal organs. Sometimes this happens all at the same
time, we get the result at the same time: the heels become smooth, cracks have
passed - this is also a sign of the liver. Then the blood test returned to
normal, hemoglobin rose, leukocytes rose - this is the spleen and also the
liver. Not one organ, but several are improving, because they work all in a